National Register Handbook
Oklahoma's National Register Handbook: https://www.okhistory.org/shpo/NRHandbook.htm
SHPO Fact Sheets
- National Register of Historic Places
- Review and Compliance (Section 106)
- Investment Tax Credits for Rehabilitation
- Historic Preservation Resource Identification
- Certified Local Governments
- Historic District Designations
- Historic Properties and the ADA
- Oklahoma's State Historic Preservation Office
- Cemeteries
- Combined with Fact Sheet #1
- Combined with Fact Sheet #2
- Evaluating Historic Period Archeological Sites for the National Register Under Section 106 with Particular Reference to Sites Dating After 1890
- Ten Things Successful Preservationists Know
- Frequently Asked Questions About Tax Credits for Rehabilitation
- Oklahoma Historic Property Record Guidelines
- Guidelines for Developing Archeological Survey Reports in Oklahoma and Report Components
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Preservation Oklahoma News
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2018: January, April, July, October
2017: January, April, July, October
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1998: January, April, July, October
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1996: January, April, July, October
1995: January, April, July, October
1994: October
NPS Preservation Briefs
The following Preservation Briefs are made available by the National Park Service. The HTML links will take you to the National Park Service's website and will open in a new window so you can easily return to the SHPO website. The PDFs are available on the SHPO website.
- Assessing Cleaning and Water-Repellent Treatments for Historic Masonry Buildings [PDF]
- Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings [PDF]
- Improving Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings [PDF]
- Roofing for Historic Buildings [PDF]
- Preservation of Historic Adobe Buildings [PDF]
- Dangers of Abrasive Cleaning to Historic Buildings PDF]
- The Preservation of Historic Glazed Architectural Terra-Cotta [PDF]
- Aluminum and Vinyl Sidings on Historic Buildings: The Appropriateness of Substitute Materials for Resurfacing Historic Wood Frame Buildings [PDF]
- The Repair of Historic Wooden Windows [PDF]
- Exterior Paint Problems on Historic Woodwork [PDF]
- Rehabilitating Historic Storefronts [PDF]
- The Preservation of Historic Pigmented Structural Glass (Vitrolite and Carrara Glass) [PDF]
- The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic Steel Windows [PDF]
- New Exterior Additions to Historic Buildings: Preservation Concerns [PDF]
- Preservation of Historic Concrete [PDF]
- The Use of Substitute Materials on Historic Buildings Exteriors [PDF]
- Architectural Character: Identifying the Visual Aspects of Historic Buildings as an Aid to Preserving Their Character [PDF]
- Rehabilitating Interiors in Historic Buildings: Identifying and Preserving Character-Defining Elements [PDF]
- The Repair and Replacement of Historic Wooden Shingle Roofs [PDF]
- The Preservation of Historic Barns [PDF]
- Repairing Historic Flat Plaster Walls and Ceilings [PDF]
- The Preservation and Repair of Historic Stucco [PDF]
- Preserving Historic Ornamental Plaster [PDF]
- Heating, Ventilating, and Cooling Historic Buildings: Problems and Recommended Approaches [PDF]
- The Preservation of Historic Signs [PDF]
- The Preservation and Repair of Historic Log Buildings [PDF]
- The Maintenance and Repair of Architectural Cast Iron [PDF]
- Painting Historic Interiors [PDF]
- The Repair, Replacement & Maintenance of Historic Slate Roofs [PDF]
- The Preservation and Repair of Historic Clay Tile Roofs [PDF]
- Mothballing Historic Buildings [PDF]
- Making Historic Properties Accessible [PDF]
- The Preservation and Repair of Historic Stained and Leaded Glass [PDF]
- Applied Decoration for Historic Interiors: Preserving Composition Ornament [PDF]
- Understanding Old Buildings: The Process of Architectural Investigation [PDF]
- Protecting Cultural Landscapes: Planning, Treatment and Management of Historic Landscapes [PDF]
- Appropriate Methods for Reducing Lead-Paint Hazards in Historic Housing [PDF]
- Removing Graffiti from Historic Masonry [PDF]
- Holding the Line: Controlling Unwanted Moisture in Historic Buildings [PDF]
- Preserving Historic Ceramic Tile Floors [PDF]
- The Seismic Retrofit of Historic Buildings: Keeping Preservation in the Forefront [PDF]
- The Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Historic Cast Stone [PDF]
- The Preparation and Use of Historic Structure Reports [PDF]
- The Use of Awnings on Historic Buildings: Repair, Replacement and New Design [PDF]
- Preserving Historic Wood Porches [PDF]
- The Preservation and Reuse of Historic Gas Stations [PDF]
- Maintaining the Exterior of Small and Medium Size Historic Buildings [PDF]
- Preserving Grave Markers in Historic Cemeteries [PDF]
- Historic Decorative Metal Ceilings and Walls: Use, Repair and Replacement [PDF]
- Lightning Protection for Historic Structures [PDF]
- Building Codes for Historic and Existing Buildings: Planning and Maximizing their Application [PDF]
Local Preservation Briefs
The following local preservation briefs were released by the National Park Service. They are not available online; however, they are available below in PDF scanned from the original documents. The link will open in a new window.
- What are National Register Criteria?
- Local Preservation: A Selected Bibliography
- Zoning and Historic Preservation
- What is the National Historic Preservation Act?
- Is there Archeology in Your Community?
- Choosing an Archeological Consultant
- When Preservation Commissions Go to Court: A Summary of Favorable Treatment of Challenges to Ordinances and Commission Decisions
- Questions and Answers about the SHPO
- What is "Section 106 Review"?
- What are the Historic Preservation Tax Incentives?
- "Historic Preservation" and "Historic Properties"
- Questions and Answers about Historic Properties Survey
- Issues Paper: Conservation Districts
- Subdivision Regulation and Historic Preservation
Economic Impact Study
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in Oklahoma, 2008
Executive Summary, 2008
Historic Archaeology in Oklahoma
Historic Archaeology in Oklahoma