National Register of Historic Places: The National Register is a catalog of the buildings, sites, structures, districts, and objects significant in our past, and the register is the foundation for all of the SHPO’s programs. Listing in the National Register provides
recognition, limited protection, and, in some cases, financial incentives for
these important properties. The SHPO identifies, evaluates, and nominates
properties for this special designation. For detailed information
contact Michael Mayes at 405-522-4479.
Review and Compliance (Section 106 Review): Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act stipulates that federal agencies must consider the effects of their undertakings on properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The SHPO has an important role in this process and consults with the Oklahoma Archeological Survey under the program. The SHPO assists federal agencies or their recipients of funding, license, or permits to determine if significant archeological or historic resources are located within the project area and if so, whether the undertaking will impact these properties. Depending on the situation, the SHPO helps the agency to develop appropriate mitigation of any adverse effects on these valuable resources. For detailed information contact Kristina Wyckoff at 405-521-6381.
Preservation Tax Incentives: Current federal tax law provides a 20% investment tax credit for certified rehabilitation of a certified historic structure. The SHPO consults with property owners as they develop their project plans, reviews the final applications, and transmits the applications with comments to NPS for approval. It is important that potential applicants for the credit contact the SHPO at the earliest possible time during project planning. Rehabilitation work that does not meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Rehabilitation jeopardizes the applicant’s eligibility for the credit. For detailed information contact Sara Werneke at 405-522-4478.
Certified Local Governments (CLG): Under the CLG program, local governments that enforce appropriate historic preservation zoning ordinances are delegated certain SHPO responsibilities, receive federal matching funds for the development of their local preservation program, and participate in the National Register of Historic Places nomination process. For detailed information contact Shea Otley at 405-522-4485.
Oklahoma Centennial Farm & Ranch Program: To focus attention on the importance of agriculture to Oklahoma’s development and to help increase the number of rural properties identified and evaluated for National Register eligibility, the SHPO, the Oklahoma Historical Society’s Administration Division, and the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture work together to carry out the Centennial Farm and Ranch Program. For detailed information contact Shea Otley at 405-522-4485.