Certified Local Governments (CLG) Program
Under the CLG program, local governments that enforce appropriate historic preservation zoning ordinances are delegated certain SHPO responsibilities, receive federal matching funds for development of their local preservation program, and participate in the National Register of Historic Places nomination process. For detailed information, contact Shea Otley at 405-522-4485 or Shea.Otley@history.ok.gov.
Certified Local Governments (CLG) for Oklahoma Manual
(Revised 2020; NPS Approved 2020)
Certified Local Governments Fact Sheet (PDF)
CLG Coordinator Guidelines and Forms
CLG Preservation Plans & Design Guidelines
CLG Coordinators (PDF)
CLG Application
The application is due April 18, 2025. Please download, sign, and include the non-collusion certification and the federal assurances along with your application. Do not use previous versions as they may be outdated.
Required Documents with Application
Non-Collusion Certification
Federal Assurances
Additional Documentation
If you see a message that says "Please wait..." after clicking and nothing happens, please right click on the icon for your form and choose Save As or Save Link As to save the file to your computer. It will work properly from there. This seems to be occuring in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.