Certified Local Governments (CLG) Program Guidelines
Below you will find information available for the Certified Local Governments Program of Oklahoma. Previously this information was contained in two large ring binders. The organization remains the same as the binders. Most of the documents are available in HTML (will open in a new window if it goes to a different site), MS Word and PDF (both open in a new window). You can obtain the latest version of Adobe Reader free at http://get.adobe.com/reader/. If you have any questions about any of the information on this page, please contact Shea Otley at Shea.Otley@history.ok.gov.
Certified Local Governments (CLG) for Oklahoma Manual
(Revised 2020; NPS Approved 2020)
- Appendix A: Archeology and Historic Preservation: Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines
- Appendix B: Title 53, Sec 351-355, Oklahoma State
- Appendix C: Certification Agreement for the Certified Local Governments Program
- Appendix D: Application Checklist for Certified Local Governments Program
- Certified Local Governments (SHPO Fact Sheet #5) (PDF)
- National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Code of Ethics for Commissioners and Staff
- Sample Allocation Letter
- Guidelines for Subgrantees
- Annual Report Instructions (UPDATED 2017)
- Annual Report for Certified Local Governments in Oklahoma (UPDATED 2017)
- Checklist for Owner Notification and Consent
- Certified Local Government National Register Nomination Report
- Selecting a Consultant
- Sample Consultant Contract
- Request for Proposals - National Register Nominations
- Certified Local Governments Performance Evaluation Instructions (UPDATED 2017)
- Certified Local Governments Performance Evaluation Form (UPDATED 2017)
- Acknowledgement Language for Publications
- Guide to Selecting Local Commission Members
- Documenting Demonstrated Interest, Competence, or Knowledge in Historic Preservation - Commission Members
Form Letters and Other Documents
Each letter sent prior to meetings of the local commission for review of the property must include both the Results of Listing and Rights of Owners documentation.
- Property Owner Letter
- Owner Notice - District - Letter
- Local Official Letter
- Results of Listing (PDF)
- Rights of Owners (PDF)
- Paid Legal Notice - District (More than 50 Owners)
- Owner's Waiver Letter
- Local Official's Waiver Letter
- Receipt of Owner Objection - Sole Owner - Letter
- Notification of Determination of Eligibility Letter
- Notification of Listing Letter
Helpful Links and Other Information
- Oklahoma's National Register Handbook
- SHPO's Calendar of Events
- Tomorrow's Legacy: Oklahoma's Statewide Preservation Plan
- The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
- Preservation Briefs
- Cultural Resources Partnership Notes (formerly Local Preservation)
- National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, Printed Publications
- Preservation Tax Incentives for Historic Buildings
- Preserving the Past and Making It Accessible for People with Disabilities (PDF)
- Preservation Information Online (PDF)
- SHPO Fact Sheets