Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory
The Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory (OLI) is the collection of information the SHPO has compiled on thousands of individual properties throughout the state. Data is collected through various sources, including the SHPO’s comprehensive survey program, the federal Section 106 review process, or information submitted by individuals. The level of documentation for each property varies, but provides a baseline for researchers.
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Survey and Inventory
Through systematic field investigations and archival research, archaeological and architectural/historic resources are identified, recorded, and evaluated for National Register eligibility. The SHPO accomplishes most of this work through cooperative arrangements with universities, nonprofit organizations, and local governments. The information collected on archaeological resources is maintained by the Oklahoma Archeological Survey, University of Oklahoma, and the SHPO houses the architectural/historic survey data in the Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory. For detailed information about archaeological surveys and architectural/historic surveys contact Lynda Ozan at 405-522-4484.
Archaeological Surveys
Architectural Surveys
Thematic Surveys
Survey Forms (including resource ID, cemetery, and bridge forms)