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Agricultural and Vocational Education
Alvord, Henry Elijah
American Indians and Education
Anti-Evolution Movement
Askew, Rilla
Bacone, Almon Clematus
Bacone College
Benedict, John Downing
Bennett, Henry Garland
Bizzell, William Bennett
Bost, Jessie Olive Thatcher
Boyd, David Ross
Breaux, Zelia Page
Brown, Mary Jane
Buchanan, James Shannon
Cameron, Evan Dhu
Cameron University
Carl Albert State College
Carnegie Libraries
Cherokee Male and Female Seminaries
Chickasaw Schools
Chilocco Indian Agricultural School
Choctaw Schools
Colleges, African American
Colleges and Universities, Normal
Colleges and Universities, Private
Colleges and Universities, State
Comfort, Eunice Nicholas
Common School Indemnity Lands
Connors State College
County High School Law
Creek (Mvskoke) Schools
Cross, George Lynn
Dodge, Homer Levi
Duncan, Otis Durant
Dunlap, Elijah Thomas
East Central University
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Eaton, Rachel Caroline
Evans, Arthur Grant
Fort Sill Indian School
Freedmen Schools
Galloway College
GI Bill
Gould, Charles Newton
Greene, Herb
Hall, Ira DeVoyd, Sr.
High Gate College
Hill, Anita Faye
Hockman, Charles Nedwin
Horton, Judith Ann Carter
Houston, Drusilla Dunjee
Junior College Movement
Kassing, Edith Rhoda Force
King, William Robert
Kingfisher College
Land-Grant Colleges
Langston University
Law Schools
Luper, Clara Shepard
McCabe, Edward P.
McCurtain, Jane Austin
McVean, Margaret
Medical Education
Merrill, Maurice Hitchcock
Monnet, Julien Charles
Moon, Frederick Douglass
Mueller, Gustav Emil
Murray State College
Murrow, Joseph
Muskogee Junior College
Nice, Margaret Morse
Nielsen, Jens Rud
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
Northeastern State University
Northern Oklahoma College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Nursing Education
Oklahoma Academy of Science
Oklahoma Association of Negro Teachers
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
Oklahoma Education Association
Oklahoma Panhandle State University
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Oral Roberts University
Page, Inman Edward
Phillips University
Public Libraries
Rainy Mountain Boarding School
Redlands Community College
Riverside Indian School
Robertson, Ann Eliza Worcester
Robertson, William Schenck
Rogers State University
Rosenwald Schools
Rose State College
Schools, Common
Schools, Preparatory
Schools, Subscription
Scott, Angelo Cyrus
Seminole Schools
Seminole State College
Sieglinger, John Beardsley
Smith, Emily B.
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southern Nazarene University
Southwestern Christian University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
St. Gregory's University
Sutton, George Miksch
Territorial Department of Public Instruction
Tulsa Community College
Tuttle, Francis Theodore
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Tulsa
Warden, Sibyl Dunn
Waters, Clara Wilbanks
Western Oklahoma State College
Wilson, Ann Florence
Worcester, Samuel Austin
Wright, Alfred
Young, Isaac William
Zaneis, Kate Galt

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